new to industrial automation holland miAutomation is the process of transferring tasks originally performed by humans to machines. These tasks are often tedious, repetitive, and/or hazardous to human health. If you’re new to industrial automation, you should know that you’re on the right path to improving workplace safety, productivity, and product quality.

Here’s what else you need to know.

Automation Doesn’t Hurt the Economy

No one wants to be replaced by a machine. But here’s the thing—the tasks that companies target for automation are typically menial, repetitive, and dangerous.

Also, many companies recognize the value of their workforce. This means that instead of firing their employees, they transition them to different roles within the company.

As technology advances, it is true that certain jobs will disappear. But what most people forget is that technology also creates new job opportunities that didn’t exist 5, 10, or 15 years ago. In fact, Willis Towers Watson, a human resources consulting firm, estimates that more than 60% of today’s children will work jobs that don’t yet exist.

To learn more, check out our blog post on how automation impacts the economy.

Not All Tasks Can Be Automated

Not all tasks are candidates for automation. For example, you will always need employees to monitor, repair, and maintain your industrial automation systems. As a custom machine builder, we work with our clients to determine what tasks are most feasible for automation.

When we talk about automation, a lot of people imagine a future where factories are run without human workers. But this couldn’t be farther from the truth. There will always be tasks that are performed better by humans than machines. The trick is in finding the perfect balance between human ingenuity and the programmed precision of machines.

For example, many companies are using cobots (collaborative robots) that work alongside human workers. This is just one of many examples of how Americans are adapting to new workplaces and changing technological landscapes.

Automation Improves Workplace Safety

Unlike humans, industrial robots and machines don’t experience eye strain or fatigue. Instead, they’re able to work 24/7 under some of the most dangerous and grueling conditions in factories around the world. This allows human workers to take on safer tasks that make better use of their creativity, mental flexibility, and problem-solving skills.

Related: 5 Safety and Health Hazards in Manufacturing

Automation Improves Customer Safety

We’ve talked about how automation improves workplace safety. But did you know that industrial automation also improves the safety of your customers? This is because machines are capable of producing repeatable, high-quality results. This is especially important for companies in the medical, food, and beverage industries.

The last thing that you want is for someone to get hurt because of a defective product that came out of your facility. Industrial automation systems give you peace of mind that you’re maintaining a high degree of precision, accuracy, and quality control.

Learn More About Industrial Automation

This is just the start of your journey to a more efficient, safe, and automated facility. Our custom machine builders in Holland, MI, would be more than happy to answer any questions from either you or your team. To request an estimate for any of our industrial automation solutions, call Paramount Tool Company at (616) 582-5300.