Automation is a worthwhile investment in your company. This is because it can help improve workplace safety, productivity, and product quality. If you recognize any of the signs below, it may be time for your company to adopt industrial automation.

Here are the 10 signs you should call Paramount Tool Company.

1. Production Challenges

Nothing is more frustrating and expensive than having a vital piece of equipment shut down in the middle of production. If these types of shutdowns are a frequent occurrence, it may be time to update your industrial process. Our custom machine builders can help you identify what parts of your process could be automated and improved.

2. An Interest in Larger Contracts

Interested in accepting larger contracts? Industrial automation can help you get there. Before accepting a contract, you need to feel confident that you’ll be able to fulfill your end of the deal. Once you integrate an industrial automation system into your existing process, you’ll be able to greatly improve productivity and meet customer demand.

3. Quality Issues

Defective items are unsellable, which means a lot of extra waste coming out of your facility. The good news is that machines are capable of producing repeatable, high-quality results. If you have any issues with quality, consider automating tasks that require a high degree of precision and accuracy.

4. High Labor Costs

Do you have high labor costs? There could be several reasons for this if your facility isn’t automated to its fullest potential. For example, a high turnover rate could increase the cost of training new employees. Likewise, it costs money every time an employee is injured on the job and requires workers’ compensation.

Industrial automation helps to solve these issues so you can decrease your labor costs over time.

5. Preventable Workplace Injuries

Manufacturing plants can be very dangerous places to work. But a lot of injuries can be prevented by transferring hazardous tasks from humans to machines. An industrial automation system can protect your workers from extreme temperatures, laser radiation, arc flash, noise exposure, and other hazards.

To learn more, check out our blog post on the different safety and health hazards found in manufacturing.

6. High Turnover Rate

Nothing is more frustrating than when your employees leave to work for another company. In many cases, a high turnover rate could be due to a lack of opportunities for career advancement.

While people are often grateful to be employed, they may view a low-paying job as a stepping stone to a more rewarding position elsewhere. When you adopt industrial automation, you create opportunities for your employees to train for more fulfilling roles in your company.

7. Low Employee Morale

If you have low employee morale, you’ll want to look into the work conditions at your facility. Are employees performing menial, repetitive tasks for hours on end? Would your employees’ skills be better used for tasks involving creativity and flexibility? If you answered “yes” to both of these questions, you may want to consider automating certain tasks that can be performed better by machines.

Instead of firing their employees, many companies transfer them to positions that make better use of their skills. As employees learn new skills, they feel more valued. This helps improve their morale and company loyalty in the long run.

8. Being Outbid By Competitors

Have you been losing out on a lot of bids lately? If so, it may be because the competition is offering the same services but at a lower price and faster turnaround time. Industrial automation can help you maintain your competitive edge. That way, you stand a chance against local companies and overseas manufacturers.

9. High Amount of Waste

We design and build industrial automation systems to be highly precise. By doing so, this eliminates a lot of waste that would have otherwise come out of your facility. Wasted materials are a missed opportunity for profit. But automation can help you make full use of all your materials, greatly minimizing unusable scrap waste.

10. An Interest in Entering New Markets

The market is always changing. Automation helps your company adapt so you can tap into new markets when old ones become too crowded and competitive. If you’re interested in entering a new market, we can help you create a system to streamline your manufacturing process.

Request an Estimate With Us

Recognize the signs that it’s time to think about automation? Our custom machine builders in Holland, MI, would be more than happy to work with you and your team. To request an estimate for an industrial automation system, call Paramount Tool Company at (616) 582-5300.